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Redbricks Education Foundation, Redbricks Junior, Redbricks School, Xcellon
Learning at RBTI
"We should place before the pupil the best that has been thought and said on any particular subject and then leave it to him to reflect and decide."
Instructional Systems Design (ISD)
Instructional Systems design (ISD) is based on "systems" thinking and it is a scientific process based approach for curriculum development. The Process of ISD is divided in to five elements as follows:
Analyze – learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc.
Designdevelop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach
Developcreate instructional or training materials
Implementdeliver or distribute the instructional materials
Evaluatemake sure the materials achieved the desired goals
Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. At RBTI, sessions are delivered using innovative methods by involving students in a wide spectrum of experiential exercises. Faculty members assume the role of co-learners and facilitators and not mere teachers. The focus is on learning from experiences arising out of the teaching-learning processes as they happen and taking the learning experience back to the class.
Our Methodology
Small and Large Group Discussions
Classroom Observations in schools
Practice Teaching in schools
Expert Sessions
Case Study Discussions
Simulations, Games and Exercises
Institutional Visits
Book reviews, reading and research
Use of Information Technology
Video Recordings
Film screenings and discussions
Observation & Practice
Observation and Practice teaching provides the participants an opportunity to connect theory with practice and develop context specific understanding related to the development of children.

At RBTI, the students (those who are not working in any pre-school) will get an opportunity to observe and develop their skills in teaching young children through practice teaching in different classes of Redbricks EYC & School for learning first hand about children's development, interests, and abilities.
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