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Redbricks Education Foundation, Redbricks Junior, Redbricks School, Xcellon
"In a gentle way,
you can shake the earth"
- Mahatma Gandhi
A Friend…like Krishna
A Philosopher…like Adi Shankaracharya
A Guide…like Buddha and,
A Teacher…like Chanakya
(With dedication to our beloved Guruji -
Shri G. Narayana and his ever enlightening teachings)
Historically, India has had a proud legacy in all spheres of education, having the best universities, the best scholars and contributing significantly to knowledge creation in the world. This legacy has been shaped by the work of great teachers, who, apart from gaining knowledge, were able to disseminate it to others after them.

As India enters its next phase of prosperity and growing world influence, it is important to recapture this lost legacy, by creating teachers who gain inspiration from the great masters before them, and carry determination to carve out their own name in this profound art.
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